Our fire safety system

Every hall has its own fire safety system. This means that a central smoke detector will go after a certain amount of time has passed that a room has detected smoke. Every floor has a fire hose, fire extinguisher, and a number of fire blankets.In case the fire cannot be extinguished by yourself, call the fire department with 112. In the back of each floor is a door to the emergency exit.


Casual use of this staircase is therefore not allowed. This to avoid the risk of strangers getting inside or blocking something in case of a real emergency.


The smoke detectors are known to be quite sensitive. It can be the case that during dinner hours (between 5pm-7pm, usually) you can hear an alarm go off in your room or somewhere else. Don't panic when this happens. You can manually stop the alarm by pushing the big button on the bottom of the detector.


If your electricity has suddenly disconnected, you may have an appliance short-circuiting. Check which appliance this is, unplug it, and check the fuse box in the middle of your floor. If the fuse keeps going down after you've switched it back up, check your appliances again for any faults.

Other safety tips


Don't smoke near easily-flammable material, and don't throw still smoldering cigarette butts in the trash can. As smoking can cause smoke to travel onto the hall and possible into the smoke detector, preferable only do this outside or with the window open.


Stuff in the hallways

To avoid hazards, don't leave furniture and flammable in the hallways. In case of fire and heavy smoke it is important to keep the floors and walls clear in case you need to exit the building quickly.



If you are leaving your room for longer periods of time, make sure to unplug any electrical appliances that do not need constant electricity. In case there is an electrical fire in your room while your away, there will not be a way to access it. Likewise, turn things like televisions and computers off and don't leave them on stand-by.


Lock your room

This may speak for itself, but lock your room when you go away. Generally, people here are nice, but to avoid any risks of things being stolen it is advised to lock your room when you go into town or even when you take out your laundry.


Intercom and doors

Be mindful of who you let into the building and onto the floor. There have been cases where strangers call a random room number and pretend to be a food-delivery service to gain access to the building. Likewise, don't let anyone onto the floor unless you know where they have to be. Sometimes homeless people spend the night in the central entry at the post boxes. Usually this does not give any trouble, but make sure not to let them further onto floors.



You share your mailbox with your neighbour with the same room number. This means that they have access to your mail and vice versa. You can install the PostNL app to see when mail will be delivered to you, or you can check the mailbox regularly.

In case you need to discard of mail with personal information, do this in your room or tear it up so the information is not recognizable.